
Huggy Bear Learning Centre 抱抱熊学坊

Albert Einstein once said: 'Interest is the best teacher'.
Confucius said: 'those who know it better than those of the good of those who were not as good as the fun'.


1) 语言:中文、绘本阅读
2) 美感: DIY手工班、捏塑课程



Our Programs 我们开办的课程

Art & Craft Class 创意手工课程
Clay class for kids, juniors and adults. Clay crafting is a great way for kids and juniors to build and develop better motor skills, as they learn to use their hands to handle different tools and crafting technique that will turn their designing skill and conceptual ideals into reality.

+ Children Clay Class (Level 1) 儿童基础黏土课程
+ Children Clay Class (Level 2) 儿童进阶黏土课程
+ Adult Clay Class 成人黏土课程
+ Miniature Class 袖珍黏土课程
+ Creative Art & Craft Class 创意手工课程
+ Holiday Class 暑假班

Mandarin Class 中文课程
​Kids Chinese Courses are designed for kids from 4-12 years old based on the children's personalities and their hobbies. This Chinese course helps kids learn Chinese via playing games and discussing fun topics. Many pictures and real objects are used frequently in the class to retain children interest and satisfy their inquisitive minds.

+ Chinese Class for Age 4-6
+ Chinese Class for Age 7-9
+ Chinese Class for Age 10-12
+ Secondary School Chinese Class
+ Adult Mandarin Class

Picture Book Story Telling Activity 绘本说故事活动
Through the picture book story telling activity will increase children reading interest.


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